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Senin, 03 Desember 2012

hari ini (senin) adalah hari yang penuh dengan pelajaran,,, salah satunya adalah ketika saya datang ke bank,,

Senin, 26 November 2012

26/11/2012 (penggalangan dana buat Palestina)

dimulai dg munculnya fajar di pagi hari dan suara jago berkokok,,, aku terbangun dari tidurku,,, tak lupa aku menjalankan aktifitasku seperti biasanya,,
tapi ada yang tidak biasa dalam aktifitasku di hari itu,,,,, aku berlari menuju kampus idamanku mengejar waktu yang terus berputar,,, tak sedikit luapan keringat yang mencucur dari tubuh ini,,, aku langsung menuju ke tempat pelaksanaan ,,, sungguh luar biasa,,, hari ini aku dan teman2ku tercinta  mengadakan penggalangan dana buat PAlestina negri muslim yang waktu itu sedang dijajah oleh israel,,,,segala persiapan aku siapkan tak lupa dengan teman2 yang lain yang selalu bekerja giat untuk suksesnya acara kami,, aku sangat bahagia n senang melihat semangat teman2 yang luar biasa,,,
dengan semangat yang membara akhirnya kami menuju ke lokasi , ketitik tempat yang akan kami jadikan tempat penggalangan dana,,,, kami waktu itu ada diperempatan alun2,,,
waktu demi waktu kami lalui,, dan tak lupa rupiah demi rupiahpun terkumpul ,,, selama tiga jam kami bertugas di alun2,,, dahaga lapar tak jadi penghalang kami,,, akhirnya kami waktu itu berhasil mengumpulkan dana sebesar Rp.2.487.000,- + 5 reyal,,,,, Allhamdulillah sekali,,,,,,,,

Rabu, 26 September 2012

Salam senyum sahabat!!!! :) :)
Ya perkenalkan ini sahabat saya namanya “BLOG”
Blog tau yang aku mau, blog juga mampu menampung rasa keluh kesahku,,,, selama ini aku bingung mau curhat dengan siapa,,,mau ngeluh dengan siapa?,,, (selain kepada ALLoh SWT), biasanya aku yang di rumah selalu cerita kepada orang tuaku tentang masalah yang kini aku hadapi,, semua temanku kini sedang sibuk,,aku pun merasa tak enak dengannya,, tetapi aku yang menyimpan rasa unek2 ini merasa sakit,, bagaikan tersayat,,, kini aku sedang dihadapkan tuk bisa mengatur mereka, aku pun menghadapi masalah klasik yaitu pertentangan pendapat dan kesalah pahaman,, sampai kesalahpahaman itu tidak hanya menimpa kepada mereka melainkan aku juga terjangkit hal tersebut,,, aku yang kini banyak pikiran mungkin dikira tidak banyak pikiran,, karena semua itu memang aku tutup2i dengan keceriaanku yang sebenarnya hati n pikiran ini sedang gelisah, gundah nahan emosi, nahan amarah, dan rasa lain yang mengganjal,, tapi kalu boleh terus terang aku ingin mereka mengerti sedikit akan kejadian yang aku alami,, okelah mereka banyak pikiran, tapi setidaknya bukankah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AHHHhh!!
semula tindakanku berbuat baik tidak mau aku ceritakan,,tapi aku tidak tahan bila di banding bandingkan,, lagi pula aku tahu pengorbananku lebih besar dibanding pengorbananmu,, maaf saja aku jadi cerita, soalnya kamu duluan yang membuka tentang tindakan baikmu,, yang menurutku masih lebih kecil di banding kebaikan yang selama ini aku lakukan,,,,
Andai kamu tidak mengungkap semuanya,,aku juga akan bungkam,,, tapi apa yang ada di pikiran anda2 semua???? Aku yang hanya diam diri kah?? Aku yang tidak memikirkan kalian kah??? Aku yang masa bodohkah??/
SALAH,,, aku diam bukan berarti mati dalam berfikir,, tapi aku lagi berfikir kemasa depan kita semua biar lebih baik demi kebaikan kita bersama,,,,

AYOLAH saling mengerti satu sama lain,,, hilangkan rasa sungudzon kalian,,,, aku mau kita tetap positif thinking,,,  aku mau kita bersatu melawan semua aral yang ada dengan bersama,,,,, Aku sayang, cinta, dan bahagia kepada kalian,,,,

# terima kasih BLOG karena kamu telah menjadi sandaran dari sedikit unek2 yang sedang aku alami,,,,,,

keep your smile ji
:) !! n SPIRIT!!!!!

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

muncul di akhir,,, !!!!!

gelisah hati ini gelisah,,(halah heemmmmm,,,,,,kaya lagu dangdunt ae,,,) menjelang detik2 mau ujian matematika khusus KALKULUS,,,,,,,,, buku udah tak buka,,,,,pintupun sudah tak buka,,,,,,, tapi mengapa aku masih aja bingung akan semua ini,,,,,,(hohooooooo Sok bingung segala,,,, segala aja gak bingung,,hihiiiiiii)
akhirnya test pun dimulai,,,aku yang sempat gelisah mencoba untuk menarik nafas panjang panjang,,,,,tapi gak lebar-lebar,,,heheheeeee
huuuummmmpppp ternyata soalnya sangat muuuuuuuuuumet sekali,,,hahahahaaaaaaa
haduuuhhhh mengerjakan yang ada malah usap2 kepala melulu,,,,,, kapan mau ngerjainnya,,,,haduuuhhh,,,
tapi ternyata muncul lah ide2 cemerlang untuk mengerjakan semua itu,,,aku pun langsung bergegas untuk mengerjakan soal2 tadi,,,,,, giliran ide sudah pada muncul,,, dosen bilang "ayok dikumpulkan, waktunya udah selesai lhooo" (waaaaaaaaaaUUUUU gawat pake darurat lagi <<<   :( ,...)....
akhirnya kertas hasil pekerjaanpun aku kumpulkan dan sampai saat ini aku masih merasa menyesal,,,kenapa yhaaa ide2 cemerlang itu muncul pas waktu udah mepet mau habis?????????kenapa harus muncul di akhir itu ide?????? why??????WHY???? huuuuftttt bisa stresss kalo kayak gini terussss

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Apa Itu Dewasa???

Hai teman!!!!,,,apa kabar kalian semua???  Wah ko gak di jawab??? Heummmm malah masih diem,,,n ingin baca baca terus,,,oke aku tanya lagi.. harus di jawab yaaa,,kalo ini wajib lhooo ( bagi yang muslim ) “ASSSALAMU’ALALIKUM!!!” ................................... weleeehhh weleh,,, malahh Cuma di jawab lewat batin aja,,, payah ni,,,,  Harus di ucapkan dong!! Heheheeeee,,,,
Okelah langsung saja yaaaa,,,, (emang mau ngapain si????) hhohohooo gini aku awali dengan bacaan basmalah dulu ya,,,,(”BASMALAH!!”) lhooooo,,,,, oke2 serius-serius!!!!!! Jadi gini kawan pernahkah kalian tau apa si arti kedewasaan itu??? Hayo siapa yang tau???yang tau boleh diem lhooooo,,,, yang belum tahu berarti belum dewasa,,,heheheee becanda,,,
Jadi gini kawan semua,,,, dalam sebuah kehidupan banyaklah aktivitas yang kita lakukan ,,,dalam beraktivitas itu kita akan mengalami apa yang namanya kesusahan,kerumitan sampai kenikmatan,,,bahkan sampai pada puncaknya yaitu kepuasan,,,((ooouuuHHHH udah rada2 melenceng ki,, heeee)
Tapi apakah kawan semua  tau hal yang paling berperan dalam menjalankan aktivitas agar semua itu bisa berjalan baik dan mengesankan apa..... ayo tau ngga???? (pura2 nggak tau aja yaaa,,biar aku nulisnya panjang,,kan jadi tak jelasin,,,hehehee),,
Nah hal yang paling berperan adalah dalam kita melakukan kegagalan,,,(ooouwwww GAGAL maning2 GAGAL maning...) janganlah kau mengeluh wahai kawanku semua,,hadapilah semua itu dengan senyuman (yeyeyeeeeee J),, tabah (haaaiiid :I ),,,, tekun dan yang pasti ikhlas disertai do’a (Yaa Alloh berilah hamba duit)lhooooo!!!,,,,
Insya Alloh dengan itu semua  dari pengalaman yang saya sudah lakuakan itu memang berhasil (kata aku lhoooo)
Karena dengan kegagalanlah kalian akan bisa memaknai arti dari sebuah perjuangan terutama kerja kerass yang kawan2  telah lakuakan,,,,, okelah kadang dalam kita berjuang, kita itu tak ingin kegagalan itu datang,,,, yang kita inginkan itu mulus,,,,,mulus dan auuuWWW mULuuuuSSS (ihhhhhh lebay beuuuddd,,,biazza aja XaLLii!!! Nggak pake AuuuWWW) hohohoooo emang lebay semua itu lah (KOPLAK!!!!),,oke2 lanjutkan,,, jadi gini kawan,,,, apa bila dalam kamu melakukan sebuah perjuangan kamu tu sebenarnya lagi di uji,,, nah semakin banyak rintangan yang kawan hadapi,,,,, maka banyak ujian pula yang sedang kawan2 semua hadapi,,,, ya ibarat dalam sebuah game aja lah yaaaa,,,,(ya lah yaaaaaaa,,,pokoknya harus iya!!heheee),,nah itu kan pastinya kalo sebuah game gak ada tantangannya,,,alias bin sama aja Cuma kaya gitu2 toookk mainnya ya bisa dikatakan anak baru lair aja bisa maen,,itukan kan ngebosenin yaaaaa,,,, nah jadi itulah kawan,,, (ayooOO jangan dibayangkan lagi maen game terus yhaa!! Apa lagi main PS,,,, pokoknya NO boleh!! Hihihiiii)
Pokoknya kalo kalian mau maju,,kalian butuh dewasa,,,naaahhh kan tadi udah dijelasin tu secara tidak RINGKAS dan tidak TERATUR (lihat tulisan yang tebal n yang huruf kapital aja yhaaaa,, biar jadinya ringkas dan teratur,,,huhuuuu dasar maunya,,)
jadi kedewasaan itu adalah (menurut Prof. Dr. Harmaji Jebule Aji S.Pd. M.Pd. K.Pd. H.Pd sampai A.Pd pokoknya  hehehee) bagaimana cara kita mengatasai atau menyelesaikan suatu masalah dengan cara kita berfikir arif dan bijaksana. (ingat jangan memecahkan masalah ya,,,karena yang bisa di pecah Cuma piring sama gelas kawan,,masa masalah mau di pecah,,,,,hehehee)
Jadi kawan2 kalo kalian mendapatkan suatu masalah di dalam kegiatan yang sedang kawan lakukan,,,janganlah lari / menghindar dari masalah tersebut,, (boro2 lari,, ngesod aja gue juga kagak bisa,,, hayooo kenapa gak bisa ngesod??? Ya iyalah lantai yang buat ngesod isinya T4i ayam semua cYiiinn,,masa suruh ngesooddd,ihhh najong beuuud,,,hohooo lebay)
Tapi kalian harus hadapi dan taklukkan masalah tersebut!!,,jangan sampai kalian terjebak dengan keluhan kalian yang sering kalian ucapkan yaitu “Wahai Tuhanku,, sungguh besar masalah yang ku hadapi ini” tapi mulai dari sekarang Please dech yaaacchhh,, please!!! (halahh lebay-nya kumat!!)  ubah kata2 itu jadi “Wahai masalah, sungguh Tuhanku itu Maha Besar”......
Ya,,, jadi kawan hadapi semua dengan senyuman yaa,, karena menurut bapak dan ibuku senyuman itu bisa mencairkan segala suasana menjadi asri,,ayeeemmm,,dan adeemm,,
Hoke cukup sampai sini  dulu yhaaaaa,,,,keburu kopiku udah adem tu,,,, (yaudah sana minum kopi saja dulu!!!hahahaa iklan  mi sedeeeEEp X,,,)
See u all
Harmaji Jebule Aji

Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

contoh soal matematika berbahasa inggris

Choose the correct answer!

1. Ming and Andrew made a cake and cut it into 8 equal pieces. They gave 3 pieces to Susan. What fraction of the cake is left?
A. 7/8
B. 5/8
C. 3/8
D. 1/8

2. Steve checked out a book and a video from the local library. They were three days overdue when he returned them. The fine was 15 cents for each day the book was overdue, and 25 cents for each day the video was overdue. How much did Steve owe?
A. $0.40
B. $0.45
C. $0.75
D. $1.20

3. In art class, Raúl was given the shapes shown below.
Raúl used some of the shapes to make a design that had 2 lines of symmetry. Which of the following could be his design?

4. Titus went to the pet store to buy the following items for his dog.
Which of the following is the least amount of money needed to pay for all of his items?

5. Sasha has a bag with
·           5 grey balls,
·           3 white balls, and
·           4 striped balls.
If she takes a ball out of the bag without looking, what are her chances of getting a white ball?
A. 1 chance out of 3
B. 3 chances out of 9
C. 3 chances out of 12
D. 9 chances out of 12

6. Which of the following is equal to 104 X 50?
A. (100 X 5) + (4 X 5)
B. (100 X 5) + (4 X 50)
C. (100 X 50) + (4 X 50)
D. (100 X 50) + (40 X 50)

7. Jamal started playing a video game at 4:30 P.M. When the game was over, he looked at his watch which showed this time.
How long did the game last?
A. 1 hour, 45 minutes
B. 1 hour, 15 minutes
C. 85 minutes
D. 45 minutes

8.  Marta drew the figure shown below.
In Marta’s drawing, which two line segments appear to be parallel?
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. III and V
D. IV and V

9.  At a class party, 3 pizzas were ordered for the children. Each pizza was divided into 8 equal slices.
Each child ate 2 slices, and there was a quarter of one pizza left. How many children were at the party?
A. 11
B. 12
C. 18
D. 22

10.Admission to the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield is $5.00 per student. A group of students bought admission tickets. One student spent an extra $9.00 for a poster. The total amount they spent was $34.00. How many students were in the group?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

11.Harry has 6 markers, and Rico has 10 markers. Which of the following actions would result in Harry and Rico having the same number of markers?
A. Harry gives 2 of his markers to Rico.
B. Harry gives 4 of his markers to Rico.
C. Rico gives 2 of his markers to Harry.
D. Rico gives 4 of his markers to Harry.

12. Micah left for school with 4 boxes of pencils. Each box had 6 pencils. At school, he gave away 4 pencils from one box. Which number sentence below can be used to find the total number of pencils that were left?

13. Which point is incorrectly labeled on the number line shown below?
14. Jesse and Fred shared a pizza. Jesse ate 1/8 of the pizza, and Fred ate 1/2 of the pizza. Which picture shows how much pizza was left?

15. A new sculpture was built in a city park. The diagrams below show the top view and the side view of the sculpture.
Which of the following pictures best shows the shape of the sculpture?
16. Tynan used small squares to make each figure shown in the arithmetic pattern below.
If the pattern continues, how many small squares will be in Figure 10?
A. 20
B. 22
C. 24
D. 26

17. Louise was reciting the 26 letters of the alphabet in groups of 3: "ABC, DEF, GHI, . . . " Before she could finish, her friend Heather said, "There will be 2 letters left over."
Which of the following suggests that Heather is correct?
A. 13 multiplied by 2 equals 26.
B. 6 divided by 3 equals 2.
C. 26 divided by 3 leaves a remainder of 2.
D. 26 divided by 4 leaves a remainder of 2.

18. Ryan, Jodi, Tess, and Jeremy had a checkers tournament. The chart below shows the results.
Which player won exactly 1/2 of the games that he or she played?
A. Ryan
B. Jodi
C. Tess
D. Jeremy

19. Claire has 3 bags of marbles with 8 marbles in each bag. Leo has 8 bags of marbles with 3 marbles in each bag. Which number sentence shows that Claire and Leo have the SAME number of marbles?
A. 3 + 8 = 8 + 3
B. 8 - 3 = 3 - 8
C. 8 X 3 = 3 X 8
D. 8 - 3 = 5

20. A pattern was used to determine the number of black tiles and the number of white tiles in each figure below.
If the pattern continues, how many black tiles will there be in Figure 5?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 7
21. The line plot below shows how students scored on last week’s vocabulary test.
How many students scored 95 or higher on the test?
A. 5 students
B. 7 students
C. 12 students
D. 16 students

22. Which word problem below could be represented by the number sentence 5 X 3 = 15?
A. Lynda had 5 notebooks. She bought 3 more notebooks. How many notebooks did she have?
B. Lynda bought 5 packages of notebooks with 3 notebooks in each package. How many notebooks did she buy?
C. Lynda had 5 notebooks. She gave away 3 of them. How many notebooks did she have left?
D. Lynda had 5 packages of notebooks. She put the notebooks in 3 stacks. How many notebooks were in each stack?

23. Which of the following does not represent 0.4?

24. Minh opened a bottle containing 1 liter of juice. If she shared the juice equally with her sister Anne, how many milliliters (mL) of juice will each get? (1 liter = 1000 mL)
A. 20 milliliters
B. 50 milliliters
C. 200 milliliters
D. 500 milliliters

25. Dwayne used a rule to make the list of numbers shown.
If he uses the same rule to continue the list, which number should he write next?
A. 20
B. 22
C. 24
D. 26

26. Amelia has 47 strawberries to put in 5 baskets. She wants to put the same number of strawberries in each basket. If she evenly divides the strawberries among the 5 baskets, how many strawberries will be left over?
A. 7
B. 2
C. 5
D. 3

27. For a school project, Quentin had to make a grid map of his back yard. His map looked like this:
Which ordered pair gives the location of the doghouse?
A. (6, 4)
B. (5, 1)
C. (3, 2)
D. (1, 5)

28. Which of these numbers is evenly divisible by 3?
A. 1,587,039
B. 1,687,093
C. 2,578,031
D. 2,687,096

29. Use the map below to answer question 29.
Which two streets on the map above appear to be parallel?
A. Broadway and Adams
B. Broadway and Plymouth
C. Adams and Plymouth
D. Adams and Revere



30. The stem-and-leaf plot below shows how a class of sixth-graders scored on a math test.
A score of 63 or higher is passing. How many sixth-graders passed this math test?
A. 7
B. 13
C. 11
D. 17
31.Sara hired her brother James to help her sell lemonade. Sara agreed to pay James $1.00, plus $0.10 for each glass of lemonade that he sold. Sara paid James $3.60. How many glasses of lemonade did James sell?
A. 26
B. 36
C. 46
D. 56

32. Teresa is covering the floor of her kitchen with tiles. Each square tile covers 4 square feet. If her kitchen floor is a rectangle measuring 16 feet by 10 feet, how many tiles will she need?
A. 13
B. 26
C. 30
D. 40

33. Use the spinner below to answer question 33.
Ramón is going to spin the arrow on the spinner twice and add the results. What is the most likely sum of the two spins?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12

34. Earth’s atmosphere is 78.08% nitrogen and 20.95% oxygen. What percent of Earth’s atmosphere is made up of gases other than nitrogen and oxygen?
A. 0.0097
B. 0.097
C. 0.97
D. 97

35. Each of the 6 small squares in the figure below measures 1 inch on each side.
Which of the following is closest to the area of the shaded portion of the figure?
A. 2 square inches
B. 3 square inches
C. 4 square inches
D. 5 square inches

36. The line below shows the locations of three towns on a highway. The distance from Westfield to Springfield is 10 miles, and the distance from Westfield to Palmer is 25 miles. What is the distance, in miles, from Springfield to Palmer?
A. 15
B. 20
C. 30
D. 35

37. An architect measured the three angles marked in the diagram below.
What was the sum of the measures of the three angles?
A. 180 degrees
B. 210 degrees
C. 270 degrees
D. 360 degrees

38. Maria charges $5.00 to mow a lawn, plus $6.00 per hour. Maria uses the equation C = 5 + 6h to determine C, the amount of money she charges for mowing lawns. If h represents the number of hours it takes to mow a lawn, how much money will Maria charge if she mows a lawn for 3 hours?
A. $11.00
B. $14.00
C. $21.00
D. $23.00

39. The graph below shows the speed of a dropped object over time.
Based on the graph, what will be the approximate speed of the dropped object after 5 seconds?
A. 5 meters per second
B. 25 meters per second
C. 50 meters per second
D. 75 meters per second

40.The table shows the temperature on four winter mornings in the Berkshire Mountains.
Which day had the warmest morning?
A. Thursday
B. Friday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday

41. Lily designed the kite below for an experiment.
Which of the following correctly describes the shape of Lily’s kite?
A. triangle
B. rectangle
C. parallelogram
D. quadrilateral

42.Use the table below to answer question 42.
According to the pattern shown, what is the value of y when x is 12?
A. 55
B. 60
C. 75
D. 100
43. Han surveyed 15 of her classmates to find their shoe sizes. She displayed the data in the line plot below.
What is the median shoe size?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 10

44. Dolores bought a package of corn seeds. She wanted to use all the seeds in the package to plant two or more rows of corn with the same number of seeds in each row, but she found that this was not possible. Which of the following could have been the number of seeds in the package?
A. 32
B. 33
C. 35
D. 37

45. Sherrie is sewing a costume for a party. She is using the pattern shown below.
Which of the following pieces of cloth is congruent to the pattern?

46. Cai bought popcorn for herself and 2 friends, plus a drink only for herself. The popcorn cost $2 for each person, and the total cost for Cai’s purchase was $7.50. If d is the cost of a drink, which equation below could be used to determine the cost of Cai’s drink?
A. 2 + d = $7.50
B. 2 + 2d = $7.50
C. 3(2) + d = $7.50
D. 3(2) + 3d = $7.50

48. Sylvia and Tomás are playing a game of chess. Each player began the game with 16 pieces. Now Sylvia has 1/4 of her pieces remaining on the board and Tomás has 1/8 of his pieces remaining on the board. How many total pieces remain on the board?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 12

49. Which number line below best represents the addition problem

50.The chart below lists the times it took four students to run the 50-yard dash.
Which shows the students in order from fastest to slowest?
A. Pete, Sam, Carlos, John
B. Carlos, John, Sam, Pete
C. Pete, Carlos, Sam, John
D. Carlos, Sam, John, Pete

Answer key!